Custom Waste Market Radius Reports

Focus on Your Market…

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Market radius reports capture all waste collection, processing and disposal operations within a given market. They provide you with analysis of the major players by market share; show you historical trends in pricing, volume and capacity specific to that area. Maps help you understand and visualize the market to know the proximity of the various market participants to each other and to the communities they serve.

Detailed Data on all Public and Private Players…

A basic report includes a detailed listing of all landfills, transfer stations, waste-to-energy plants, materials recovery facilities, construction & demolition facilities, composting facilities and others operating within a 50-mile radius of a particular point. A spreadsheet and map depict each facility and provides details such as the name, location, size of the facility, the daily volume and price charged for each type of waste accepted, days and hours of operation, transportation access (rail, road and waterway), distance from the center of the study area, capacity, the names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner and operator, and much more.

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Survey of Local Competition…

Our researchers conduct a current survey of counties, cities, and towns within the market to compile a list of haulers servicing those municipalities. We detail which haulers have specific contracts, the nature of those contracts, terms, when they expire, etc. We further detail which companies are licensed to business there, which are the major players, and whether the municipalities perform any of the wastes functions themselves, understanding their capabilities to do so by knowing their fleet characteristics.

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Understand how the market is trending with historical pricing and volumes…

Historical pricing and volume and capacity data for each facility

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Waste Business Journal researchers have surveyed the industry since 1991 and consequently can provide very detailed historical data on each facility, including those that have subsequently closed, going back that far in time. The historical data on pricing, volume and capacity give you valuable insight into how the local market is trending, market share among each of the players is changing, and the extent of all those changes over time.

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Summary Statistics Help You Understand the Entire Market and How it is Trending

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Waste Generation, Recovery, and Disposal within the Market Study Area…

To fully understand the market, we estimate total waste that is generated in the study area, how much is recovered through recycling, how much is either imported or exported to other regions, and how much remains to be disposed in landfills or processed through waste-to-energy plants. The total volume of waste generated in the study area is estimated using the latest Census Bureau statistics and known per capita discard rates. The volume of waste moving through recycling facilities is combined with local state recovery rates to estimate total recycling for the study area. When subtracted from waste generation, we have post-recovery waste volume which we compare with volumes going into local landfills and waste-to-energy plants to determine how much locally generated waste is either being exported to other regions or being imported from other regions.

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Formatted to Help You Understand the Market…

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The included map shows each site in relation to the others, major roads, cities, county boundaries, states, rivers and other geographic boundaries.

In addition, to the detailed data in the spreadsheets and map, the report can formatted as a book and provided in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) format suitable for printing in hardcopy.

Turn Around Time…

Most Reports can be completed in a few days depending on the particular market or whether additional data is required, etc. Our staff can give you an estimate once all study parameters are clarified.

How to Order…

Reports typically cost $1,195 for a 75-mile radius study. Prices vary in accordance with market density, the number of data points selected, the quantity of reports ordered, and whether the client chooses a recurring service package.


75-Mile Waste Market Radius Report

Standard Report: $1,195.

TO ORDER call 619.793.5190 or: or Email Us